Principal's Message

Site Principal: Madalyn Anderson


Welcome to the school year! This year will be full of great opportunities and growth for our students. As the new Principal at Buena Vista Elementary School, I’m extremely honored to have been selected for this position and I look forward to being part of an amazing team that strives to promote student excellence. I know that by working together we will overcome any challenge and provide an enriching school experience for all of our students.  Getting the opportunity to work at Buena Vista has a special place in my heart. I attended Buena Vista as a kid and some of my fondest memories from school are from when I went here. Growing up in Lompoc, I went through the LUSD school system, participated in sports, and enjoyed all of the blessings that living on the Central Coast has to offer. My hope is to provide some of these same experiences for our students.   I’ve worked with students in grades TK-12 in my roles as teacher, assistant principal, summer school principal, teacher in charge, and student council advisor. In every role I’ve had in education, building relationships has always been my foundation. Once positive relationships are established, I believe anything is possible.  I look forward to getting to know the entire Eagles family

Principal's Message from Buena Vista School Accountability Report Card

The faculty and staff at Buena Vista Elementary believe that every child comes to us with an innate potential for learning and success. We collaborate with our parents and other stakeholders and hold each other accountable for student learning. We hold highly our collective responsibility to provide a safe, positive, and motivating environment in which that inherent potential in all our students can be released. Learning must take place every day for every child at Buena Vista. We work together to put students and their success first in all decisions we make daily. The faculty collaborate with each other in professional learning communities to provide research-based educational practices that can meet the needs of all students. We seek to inspire and teach our students to become skillful, inquisitive, and lifelong learners by providing them a rigorous, dynamic and innovative curriculum based on the California State Standards. Our students understand that “Knowledge is Power” and getting an education is the way to soar to success. They seize every opportunity to extend their learning here at Buena Vista. Our goals for the 2022-23 school year are to grow our collective efficacy by acknowledging the potential we have in our staff and working collaboratively together to meet the needs of all our students. We are aligning our instructional program with the “universal design for learning” in a learner-centered environment. Student learning is measured by students’ needs being met. We are seeking to grow our academic performance, including our annual growth on state standardized testing. We are structuring our positive-behavior program, Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), through weekly lessons in the classroom. We work with our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to support great programs and educational field trips for our students. We are in the initial stages of preparing for a Saturday Academy to recover lost attendance due to excused and unexcused absences while we provide academic enrichment.